Author Archives: Jeff C

Child Advocates Superheroes 2022

Another great event for a great Houston Charity. I think I’ve been involved with Child Advoocates events and fundraisers for 25+ years now. Proud to have chaired this event since its founding — each time with founding title sponsor MRE Consulting, and each time with awesome race director Angie Parker. Check out prior years’ posts to hear why CAI is a great charity you ought to support (or find something similar in your own town).

My photography can be hit and miss through no fault of the model/subject! The best images are below, with a second big batch of pictures below that. Forgive the algorithm that picks which ones are big or small! And forgive me if I didn’t get your cute kid’s picture (In my defense, there were lots of ’em out there.)

Downtown in December

2,000 people on 3 blocks of downtown Vian?!?! Downtown in December 2021 — a big event in a small Oklahoma hometown. Click the first image to scroll through full-screen images. All images may be downloaded.

Superheroes IX!! – Child Advocates Houston

It’s year NINE for our Superheroes Run — benefiting Child Advocates of Houston, and as always presented by MRE Consulting – thanks to good friends Mike, Shane, and Dru. MORE THANKS to all the other sponsors, friends, volunteers, race crew, and CA staff who made this happen. We’ve raised over $1 million for a great cause by doing this event each October since 2013. I’ve bragged, begged, and preached about it every year (See, e.g., 2016, and 2019), so I’ll get right to the cute photos.

NOTICE that there are 4 pages of thumbnails. (As always, I need to point out that these are NOT photos of the kids in state custody that are the beneficiaries of CA’s services. We don’t publish their pictures. These are Houston kids whose families brought them out to have fun and support a great cause.)

Sikhism’s Golden Temple

            The Golden Temple in Amritsar, India, is the Sikh religion’s version of Mecca or the Vatican.  Devout Sikhs make pilgrimages to the Temple to bathe in the huge surrounding Pool of (holy) Nectar.  They claim that about 100,000 people show up every day.  The Temple really is Golden:  it’s plated with nearly a ton of actual gold.

            Sikhism originated in this region – the Punjab state in northwest India — around 500 years ago.  Like Jews in America, the Sikhs are thought of both as a religious group and a distinct ethnicity.  They tend to be physically larger than other Indians.  Traditionally, Sikhs are India’s warriors and they take pride in their military history.  Most Sikhs have “Singh” as their last or middle name, and devout Sikh men wear five special symbolic items at all times:  the distinctive turban (covering long, never-cut hair); a wooden comb; a bracelet; boxer-short-like underwear; and a small dagger.   

            Punjab sits between (primarily-Muslim) Pakistan to the west, and the mostly-Hindu heart of India to the east.  The entire area had been a British colony (the “British Raj”) since 1858. The Amritsar area was the epicenter of the tumultuous partition of Pakistan from modern India in 1947. 

            Sikhism was an offshoot of Hinduism.  This may seem a little odd: Sikhism is monotheistic, but Hindus are famously polytheistic, with thousands of different gods.  Or so we’re told.  But with a billion followers of Hinduism, there are several subgroups with different views on lots of topics.  And while Hindus generally do recognize lots of “deities,” many believe that there is one supreme god (or maybe a three-part ‘trinity’) and that all the other deities are just embodiments (“aspects,” or “avatars) of that one over-arching supreme god.  It’s one real god that appears and acts in and through lots of different forms.  Compare this to Christian “monotheistic” beliefs in a three-part holy Trinity (“God in three persons”), supernatural angels, miracle-inducing saints, and a heavenly-ascended Mary.  The line between monotheist and polytheist isn’t always clear.

            Notwithstanding the Sikh’s warrior reputation, the Punjabis were as conspicuously friendly as all the Indians I encountered.  I recall four different locals wanting to talk and tell me about a family member working in America: one was a doctor; one a computer person of some kind; and two managed convenience stores.  I had to chuckle a little; sometimes stereotypes are true.

           There were “No Photography” signs everywhere around the Temple’s gigantic Pool of Nectar, and we’d received a cryptic warning to that effect before we first went in.  I saw a handful of folks get scolded for using the phone cameras.  But I was walking around with gigantic cameras hanging from each shoulder!  We quickly got comfortable that it was fine, so long as we were respectful (and of course we were).  Mostly they just wanted to make sure teenagers weren’t out there broadcasting a TikTok (whatever TikTok is).  The picture below, of two spear-bearing men in yellow turbans, is the last one I took before leaving Amritsar.  They motioned me over, posed together, and urged me to take their picture.  They’re two of the guards whose job was to enforce the “No photography” rule.

Devout Sikh men wear 5 symbolic items at all times: a turban, a dagger, a bracelet, boxer-short-like underwear, and (not visible here) a wooden comb. This friendly guy wore his even as he took his deep in the holy pool.
The spear-carrying, yellow-turbaned guards (in the two pictures below) were the folks in charge of enforcing the “Photography is Strictly Prohibited Rule” (above).
This wasn’t a pre-dawn joy-ride. His job was to make sure there were no leaves or trash in the hold Pool of Nectar.

Good Karma: Gujarat, India

India’s westernmost state is home to 60 million people and a handful of endangered Asiatic Wild Ass. Gujarat is the birthplace of both Mahatma Gandhi and current Indian Prime Minister Modi. One morning I was at a massive flower market in Ahmedabad, set up on the edge of a busy highway. Across the street was a billboard of Modi posing with Donald and Melania Trump. I looked up from the flower market to see a couple of camel-drawn carts making their way through the rush hour traffic jam. A very ‘India’ sight. My visit to Gujarat wasn’t quite as fast-paced as my time in Kerala, so I had plenty of time to think about the important Hindu principle of Karma.

Just before dawn at the Ahmedabad flower market.

           EVEN IF you don’t know much about Hinduism, you’ve probably heard of “karma.”  Karma means that every action has a consequence.  Your good deeds and hard work will eventually be rewarded.  And your bad acts will somehow come back to haunt you.  The universe will even things out. 

           We all know the phrase, “What goes around comes around.”  That’s karma in a blunt nutshell.  Lots of English-language sayings describe some sort of karma (mostly the “bad” side):  Paybacks are hell.  Chickens come home to roost.  He got a taste of his own medicine.  What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.  If you live by the sword, you’ll die by the sword.  You reap what you sow.  She had that coming.  That’s gonna bite you in the ass.  An eye for an eye.  Karma’s a bitch.

           The word “karma” is Hindu but the concept is universal.  Even the Golden Rule — arguably the most important moral principle for everyone from Jesus to Kant – is essentially a corollary of Karma:  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  It’s a nice way of saying you should “dish out” only what you’re ready to “take.” 

           Hindus don’t necessarily think the gods are purposely or actively trying to punish or reward you, though.  Karma is like gravity or physics: an inevitable law of nature.  Even Newton’s Third Law of Motion sounds oddly like karma:  For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  Nothing personal.

           Hindus believe in an immortal soul with multiple earthly reincarnations, and they believe that the effects of karma can stretch beyond your current life.  A person can experience the consequences of his acts – good or bad karma – even in his next life.  This means that if something bad happens to you, it may be because of something bad you did in a prior life.  Other faiths (like Christianity) struggle to explain why bad things happen to good people — why a benevolent and all-powerful god allows innocent people to suffer from illness, injury, hunger, and handicaps.  Hinduism solves that philosophical dilemma: the person may have bad karma carried over from a prior life.  It may sound a little brutal to imagine karma chasing us down even after we die, but that’s not so different from many Christian and Muslim beliefs about heaven and hell:  Your acts in this life will be rewarded or punished in a later one.

           People who research American political philosophy find that liberals generally place greater focus than conservatives on equality and on “caring” (the prevention of suffering).  Conservatives, on the other hand, tend to place more emphasis on loyalty and on “proportionality.”  Proportionality here refers to a belief that outcomes and consequences should be “proportional” to actions and behaviors – that good behavior and hard work should be rewarded, while bad behavior may rightly be punished.  Which, of course, sounds a lot like karma.  These different moral principles all sound good, but things get interesting when the themes conflict with one another.  An emphasis on equality or on the prevention of suffering will often conflict with the karma-like proportionality principle:  If good behavior and hard work are rewarded and bad or lazy behavior is punished, people will no longer be “equal” and some will literally suffer from the consequences of their actions and decisions. 

           The Hindu belief in an inevitable karma that spans multiple lifetimes takes the concept of personal responsibility to its extreme.  Your present condition is the product of your own past acts and decisions, in this life or in prior ones.  You made yourself what you are.  Whatever good fortune or bad luck you experience, you caused it yourself either in this  or a prior life.  This view partly underlies India’s traditional caste system.  To the Hindus, wherever you find yourself in the socio-economic hierarchy of the caste system—even at the time of your birth – you caused that yourself.  If you’re unhappy with your life, only you and karma are to blame — and karma doesn’t have a complaint department.

          Maybe the belief in karma is why so many of the Indians I encountered seemed so pleasant, happy, and content.  Whether or not you actually believe in karma, there’s a lot to be said for people who do:  People who believe there’s no sense complaining about whatever life brings you.  People who believe that the way to a better world is to be good, do good, and work hard.  Those are folks you’d want to hang out with, even if they live halfway around the world.

The Asiatic Wild Ass. Apparently being “wild” and “endangered” didn’t mean they were difficult to find. Our wildlife photo safari took about 10 minutes.
This little girl lived at a gypsy tent camp. She had a lot of attitude — mostly good. She and her mom and sisters made those bracelets and tried to sell them along the highway.

One of these two “step wells” near Ahmedabad was next to a Sun Temple. They’re religious sites but also functional: you walk down to the level of the water table and scoop out water.

This gentleman’s grandson had brought him to visit the former home of Mahatma Gandhi, the famed leader of the non-violent movement for India’s independence from Britain in the 1940s. That’s Gandhi’s floor desk and spinning wheel in the background. The wheel was a symbol of Gandhi’s movement.